Your Stock Portfolio: What You Need To Know

Remember that stock prices are reflections of earnings. In the short term immediate future, market behavior will flucutuate depending on news and rumor and the emotional responses to those, ranging from enthusiasm to panic. In the longer term picture however, company earnings over time wind up determining whether a stock price rises or falls.

There are many ways that you can divide the stock market. The most common ways are by sector, types of growth patterns, and company size via their market capitalization. You may also see other investors talking about other aspects like small-cap vs. large-cap stocks, technology vs. energy stocks, etc.

Even if you select your stocks by yourself, it doesn't hurt to see an investment adviser. A financial counselor doesn't just tell you what the best investments are. They'll be able to sit with you and develop a plan based on what your risk tolerance is, your timeline, and any specific goals you have. This information will then be used to develop a personalized plan of action.

Master the skill of risk identification. Investing is always risky. Bonds are the most secure investment, followed by mutual funds and then stocks. Yet it doesn't matter, when you invest you take a risk. It is in your best interest to be able to identify the risks involved so that you make educated decisions about investing your money.

Do not let your emotions control your buying and selling decisions. While it can be unbearable to watch your stocks soar and plummet, it is important to be patient. Make your decisions in a methodical, deliberate way, and choose investment vehicles that align with the level of risk you are comfortable with.

Don't listen to everything you hear. There are so many financial reporters and commentators that it is easy to become confused and worrisome about the stocks you have chosen. Find a few people whose opinion you trust, but trust yourself, too. This will make your investing practices much less stressful.

Be mindful of a stock's history, but do not count on it as a future guarantee. No matter how good a track record a stock might have in the record books, the future is unwritten. Stock prices are determined by estimations of company earnings in the future. Strong historical performance is a good indication, but even the greatest of businesses can slide.

Do not turn down free money from your employer by ignoring the availability of matching contributions for your 401k investments. You must invest the amount needed to get the entire company match. Often, this match amounts to 50 cents for each dollar you invest up to a specified cap. A 6% investment on your part nets you 3% from the company. Few alternative investments will ever reach a 50% rate of return. Whether you decide to invest beyond the level of the matching contribution is a separate decision, but don't forgo an important component of your compensation by not taking advantage of free money when it is available.

You should compare stock prices to a number of factors in order to truly assess the value of any stock. If you are trying to determine whether or not a stock price is over or under-valued, consider the price to earnings ratio, cash flow and related factors. Also analyze the sector or industry the business is in, as some sectors grow slower than others.

If you wish to pay lower fees for investing, considering trading online. There are many online firms that trade stocks and are much cheaper than a regular brokerage firm. Read up on different firms to determine which are reputable and provide the types of services you're looking for at a decent price. TradeKing and Fidelity are two great choices.

It is important to understand what a PE ratio is when investing in common stocks. PE ratio is short for price to earnings ratio and is a reflection of what the price of stock is compared to how much money it earns. Using the PE ratio when valuing stocks helps to judge whether the stock is a bargain compared to the money it generates, or whether it is selling at how to trade stocks a premium. It is not the only thing to consider, of course, but it one basic indicator of a stock's relative worth.

Be prepared for the long haul. Serious and successful traders consider a stock's long-term possibilities in both bull and bear markets. Patience is an absolute must if you are going to be able to resist the urge to part with stocks prematurely. If you panic-sell a stock and it rises higher, you're only going to be sorry.

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